Wedding, Anniversary and Housewarming Gifts
by the TALLITmaaven

"HANDMADE means that it comes from the HEART"

Marilyn Levy, a custom textile artist from Hamilton, Ontario Canada, is known as the TALLITmaaven.  She creates hand made Tallitot/ Tallis/ Talis/ Talesim/ talis katan and talit gadol.  She creates coordinating Tallit bags, Tefillin bags, shofar bags and kippot/ kipas/ keepahs/ yarmulkes to complete the TALLIT/ talis set..  
The TALLITmaaven's challah covers are treasured by their recipients for their personalization (matching decor, fine china, user's personalities, matching theme for weddings or B'nai mitzvot.).  The TALLITmaaven prides herself in creating beautiful items that will be cherished for generations to come.
LEFT:  Silk tzedekah box embroidered with different beaded pomegranates.  This box was created for the Beverly Coleman Lokash display of Tzedekah Boxes presented by Toronto's Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Textiles at the Denis Museum at Beth Tzedek Synagogue (October-November, 2010).  it will sold after the exhibit
LEFT:  An Edmonton, Alberta bride and groom asked for matching Tallit bags (His'n' Her) as wedding presents in their registry.  TALLITmaaven  created these two matching Tallit Bags embroidered with peacocks, flowers and the Hebrew names of the bride and groom in shades of teal/turquoise.  

ABOVE:  The TALLITmaaven embroidered the matching gift card to coordinate with the Tallit Bags for the presentation.  

To arrange for a custom-designed gift for that very special Bride and GroomCLICK HERE
LEFT:  hand crafted embroidered card with intertwined hearts on a shimmering background and Hebrew mazel tov embroidered.  Suitable for wedding, engagement, new home, or any joyous occasion. 
White silk shantung four seasons wheel kippah.  Perfect for the groom or the whole wedding party.
How about using a beautifully detailed kippah for the bride, holding down the veil on her head?
Contact Marilyn